Earwigs don’t have the best reputation, but rest assured there is nothing to fear.
Despite their appearance – we’re referring to the clamping claws on their rear – earwigs will not hunt you down and leave you with miniature bites all over.
Earwigs are natural scavengers, and if you see them in your home, they are preying on the insect larvae and eggs of pests also taking up residence.
In a way, they are warning you that you have more than just an earwig problem.
Naturally, you want to perform insect removal in Toronto of the earwig and whatever he or she is feasting on.
Who are the Earwigs?
Before doing earwig removal in Toronto, you need to know what you are dealing with.
An earwig comes from the order of Dermaptera, which consists of more than 2000 species. Earwigs, formally called forficula auricularia, are ancient insects too. While their ancestors, the Archidermaptera and Eodermaptera, are extinct, some date back to the Middle Jurassic ages.
Most earwigs are seven to 50 millimetres in length, although one species in Australia is creatively named the “giant earwig” and is approximately two inches long.
Earwigs are not looking to invade your home. In fact, if you see one, they got there by accident chasing down food. They prefer gardens and the outdoors to the cold unwelcoming tile of your bathroom. If they find enough food, they might stick around, and when they do, they can lay 20 to 50 eggs of earwig babies ready to scuttle around the house.
Tips for At-Home Earwig Removal in Toronto
If earwigs are pestering your home life or the sight of them makes you squirm, you have options for insect removal in Toronto.
1. Remove Garden Debris by Your Home
Earwigs thrive in moist organic matter – like leaves and soil. The more debris from your garden you can remove from the sides of your house, the less likely they are to wander inside.
2. Keep Them Out with Sticky Bands
Earwigs are not flying insects. So, using a sticky band for insect barriers will keep them from crawling across windows and entering cracks. Naturally, those barriers will pick up a few other insects too.
3. Catch and Release
Earwigs are beneficial in some gardens – not vegetables, though. If you want to keep pests out of your flowers, trap earwigs in your house by placing rolls of damp newspaper and burlap in areas where you normally see them. The next morning roll it up, take it outside, and dump them where you prefer they live.
For Effective Earwig Removal in Toronto, Call a Pro
Want earwigs gone for up to one year? Power Pest Control, Inc. has the tools and know-how to eradicate insects, including earwigs, so that you get six months to a year of insect-free living.
Contact us today to receive a quote for your earwig removal or other insect removals in Toronto at 647-708-7378 or ask us an insect question online.