Professional Mice Control Services

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    Our Process for Mice Removal

    The first step is to identify and acknowledge the problem. Some cases may include just a few rodents, rats or mice, while more extreme cases can involve overwhelming numbers.

    Here is an outline of our mice control Toronto process:

    1. Our team of mice and rodent exterminators will provide a free quote over the phone to give you a basic understanding of the cost and how we implement our game plan strategy to eliminate your rodent problem.

    2. Once onsite, we will be able to quickly identify the type of rodent species that has invaded your home.

    3. Our rodent control experts will conduct a detailed analysis of the property by looking for telltale signs such as oil or urine marks around the entrance holes.

    4. Once we have an understanding of the general movement of the rodent activity in and around your property, we will clearly explain to you how we will resolve your problem.

    5. With your approval, we will begin the rodent extermination process!


    Signs of Mice in Your Home

    While many people never actually see the rodents in their home, mice have a way of leaving clues to alert the homeowner that they are there.

    While a trained mouse exterminator can spot a mice or rat in seconds based solely on the clues they leave behind, someone without a trained eye might miss the signs.

    Homeowners who believe they might have a mouse or a rat in the house should be on the lookout for the following indicators:

    • Scratching noises – Mice like to climb, and they do this with their claws. It is not uncommon for home owners to hear the sound of claws scratching on the walls’ surfaces at night if they have rats and mice in their home.
    • Droppings – These droppings can be found all around the house if there is a rat or multiple rats inhabiting it. The droppings are dark brown and shaped like a grain of rice.
    • Footprints and rub marks – If mice are in areas of the house that tend to generate less foot traffic, it is common to find tiny footprints or rub marks.
    • Holes and nests – Mice will burrow in the wild, and they will do the same in a home. The rodents are known for digging extensive burrows in houses. Mice & rodents will also shred available material such as cardboard or paper in order to make a nest.

    Problems with Having a Mice Infestation

    Like most rodents, both rats and mice are known for carrying a plethora of diseases, and these diseases can be transferred to humans living a household.

    If a rat or mouse scratches or bites a human, the human can experience something called “rat-scratch fever.”

    This can cause a fever, headache, and a skin rash. In addition, a rat’s urine is known for causing the spread of leptospirosis, which can lead to liver failure or kidney damage in one who is infected.

    The urine as well as the saliva of a rat can also cause the spread of a viral infectious disease called Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, which can cause both long-term and short-term illness depending on the severity.

    Making sure you hire a mouse control service can help give you the peace of mind, that none those healthy risks are present in your home.

    Mice can not only cause illness, but they can also be very destructive house guests. Their natural instincts can cause a significant amount of damage to your home.

    They typically dig holes and burrow deep in the walls. Sometimes they even get into the wires of your home and cause issues with the house’s electricity.



    How to Remove Mice from Your Home

    In Toronto, several mouse species are commonly encountered, each with distinct characteristics:

    House Mouse


    • Appearance: Small, typically grey or brown, with large ears and a pointed snout.
    • Habitat: Highly adaptable, often found in urban settings, including homes and businesses.
    • Behavior: Known for their agility and ability to squeeze through tiny openings, making them frequent indoor invaders.


    Deer Mouse


    • Appearance: Brownish upper body with a white underbelly and feet; large eyes and ears.
    • Habitat: Prefers wooded areas but can enter homes, especially those near forests.
    • Behavior: Excellent climbers; primarily nocturnal and can carry diseases like hantavirus.


    White-footed Mouse


    • Appearance: Similar to the deer mouse, with brownish fur and distinctive white feet.
    • Habitat: Common in wooded and brushy areas; may enter buildings in search of food and shelter.
    • Behavior: Nocturnal and known to store food; can be carriers of Lyme disease.


    Eastern Meadow Vole


    • Appearance: Stocky body with short legs and tail; brownish fur.
    • Habitat: Favors grassy fields and meadows; less commonly found indoors.
    • Behavior: Active year-round; creates extensive burrow systems and can damage vegetation.


    Norway Rat


    • Appearance: Larger than mice, with a robust body, coarse fur, and a blunt nose.
    • Habitat: Common in urban areas, often inhabiting basements, sewers, and building foundations.
    • Behavior: Excellent burrowers and swimmers; pose significant health risks due to disease transmission.

    Common DIY Techniques – and Why They Don’t Work

    Of course, most people prefer to remove the rodents from the home without paying someone to do it for them, and ideally, the little creatures would move right along after being evicted.

    Many homeowner’s facing a mouse problem choose to seek answers on Google, however, many of these same homeowners are unsuccessful in their tactics.

    It is always better to leave it to the experts, as everyday homeowners commonly make the following mistakes:

    • Underestimating – Many people underestimate both the scope of the problem or the rodent itself. It is important to note that just because you don’t see more than one does not mean there is only one.Many people set up their store-bought traps, then quit their efforts when the first rodent is disposed of. However, the rodents in your home are likely reproducing at this very moment.In addition, many believe these pests are a lot less sophisticated than they actually are. While you might try to disguise the trap by adding peanut butter, mice have a pretty keen sense on traps. Many of these methods fail because mice are able to scope out and avoid the danger.
    • Misreading Instructions – The methods of pest control have to be well executed. One skipped step can throw off the whole plan. In these cases, it is better to let an expert with years of experience handle the process. You can be rest assured they will not miss a single step in removing rodents from your home.
    • Giving Up – Many people stop treating their infestation when they no longer see the problem.In some cases, homeowners stop seeing droppings on the floor so they assume they can stop the treatment.However, as mentioned, that one rat you saw likely has a whole family inside your wall that you cannot see. When you hire a professional, they are well aware of this, and they do not stop until every single rodent has vacated the property.


    Both rats and mice are pretty effective at making a home for themselves inside of human homes. Many will make nests in walls, attics, basements, and cabinets.

    Before a technician develops any type of treatment plan, our experts will run an inspection on the space in order to get a clear indication on how severe the infestation actually is.

    When our team comes to inspect your home for the problem, we are trained to look for any possible trouble areas.


    Treatment can look different in every situation depending on the type of rat or mouse, the severity of the infestation, and the location of the nests.

    After running an inspection of the property, we will decide on the best way to treat the individual problem.

    This may be with traps, or in some cases with poison.

    About Mice Control

    Compare and contrast how mice and rats are similar yet very different:


    • Both mice and rats are part of the same rodentica family
    • Both rats and mice run against the structure of a building when their travelling for their own comfort
    • Both mice and rats leave “rub marks” along entrances of holes in walls which is caused by oil stains on stomach as they are running on the floor


    • Mice are curious while rats are shy
    • Mice will search and cover a circular radius of approximately 10 meters, while rats can cover approximately 30 meters. Mice are easy to catch, while rats are extremely elusive
    • Mice droppings are the size of tiny rice grains, while rat droppings look similar to a pellet

    Mice and rat droppings are very toxic and must be handled with caution to prevent diseases such as hantavirus being spread to yourself or loved ones. Both mice and rats may cause great fear and anxiety due to the fact they might bite you or your children if cornered.

    You need a pest management professional that will walk through your home and carefully explain what your options are for exterminating them.

    Power Pest Control will provide you fast, safe, and effective mice removal services for your home and business.

    Dealing with Mice Infestations in Toronto

    Mice may seem small, but an infestation in your Greater Toronto Area home can be a serious problem. Rodents of all kinds carry a wide range of diseases, and can damage your home and belongings.

    Pay attention to these tips about mice. They can help you identify a problem, and discover the steps you will need to take to solve your infestation issue.


    • Size: Mice are generally small, and weigh around half an ounce (or 15 grams). Their total length is less than 7 inches on average (or 75 mm).
    • Tail: Look for a darkly coloured tail that is slightly larger than the body with an average length of 3.5 inches.
    • Colour: Most mice are brown or grey with a grey belly.
    • Toes: Mice have four toes on their front feet and five toes on their back feet.
    • Nose: Mice have tapered snouts
    • Ears: The ears of a mouse tend to be large
    • Feces: Mouse droppings are rod-shaped and are often around 6 mm or 1/4 inches in length.

    Breeding Habits

    Mice are prolific breeders if their needs are met. In a warm, safe space with plenty of food, a female mouse can have eight litters of five to six mice over the course of her life.

    They don’t live for much longer than one year, but a baby mouse is mature and ready to breed after only six weeks.

    Often, a single dominant male will live in an area, along with several females.

    Where they like to live

    Although mice are hardy and will take any opportunity they can, they generally prefer to live outdoors during the warmer summertime.

    If you look carefully, you may find evidence of their burrows in small, hidden areas near sidewalks and buildings.

    However, once the temperature starts to drop, mice look for warmer shelter inside human buildings.

    As a result, mouse pest control in Toronto is often worse in the winter.

    These resilient little creatures can live anywhere in your home, from the basement to the garage to the attic.

    Because they are so small, they can nest between walls, under floorboards, or inside your cabinets and shelves.

    Often, mice will look for soft material like cloth to build their nests.

    What Mice Eat

    Mice are extremely tenacious, and can eat almost anything. They do not need a lot of water or food to survive, requiring less than 3 grams of food per day.

    They prefer cereals, grains, and seeds if they can find it, but they often only search within a relatively small radius of 10 meters from their nest.

    Using their sharp little incisors, mice will chew and gnaw through almost anything. There is very little they cannot chew, and they will attack wood, as well as metals, mortar, and pavement.

    How Mice Move Around

    Although small, mice are extremely mobile. Their small size aids in this, and mice are often seen squeezing through extremely small spaces, including holes that are as small as 12 mm wide.

    In addition, they have an impressive vertical jump, able to leap distances of up to 30 cm or 12 inches.

    Their nimble little feet allow them to move directly up vertical surfaces like walls.

    In addition, their strong senses, including a finely developed hearing and sense of touch, help them avoid danger, even in the dark.

    A nocturnal creature, mice are adept at finding their way into homes through a wide range of access points.

    How to Know if You Have a Mouse Infestation

    It’s important to know what to look for when determining if your home has a mouse or rodent problem.

    Because these small creates are nocturnal and look for dark, infrequently accessed places, they can be hard to spot.

    You may rarely go to places they make their nests, especially in the wintertime. If it is under a floorboard or inside the walls, their presence may be all but invisible to you at first.

    There are several telltale signs of a mouse in your house:

    1. Gnawing – Mice have the ability to chew through most materials, and their hunger will drive them to bite at building materials, bags, and packaging.If you notice holes or other damage, it could be a sign of mice.
    2. Feces – Mouse droppings are relatively distinctive, and each mouse produces up to 75 droppings a day.If you see these in large quantities, it’s a good sign that a mouse is around.
    3. Nests – Just like humans, mice prefer to live somewhere comfy and warm.If you come across a nest or burrow of soft material like cloth or paper, this is a clear sign that you are dealing with a mouse problem, and you should take action immediately.

    Do not attempt to lay traps or poison the mouse on your own. You may miss some, or cause them to die inside the walls, which will only cause greater trouble.



    Our expert exterminators at Power Pest Control are the Greater Toronto Area’s local, certified pest experts. We provide fast, safe control anywhere in Toronto. Call us now for residential protection plans against mice, rats, or any other pests that are plaguing your home.


    Power Pest Control has been a quality provider of the best pest control and extermination service since our establishment. It is with great pride and joy we announce that we serve our customers in Toronto and all neighboring areas. We want you to be able to reach us wherever you are promptly and conveniently. Choose your location and click below for additional information.

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